The StatTrak app, by All Traffic Solutions, connects your Android mobile device to the StatTrak locally overBluetooth. The app, now available for download from the Google Play Store, supports configuring theStatTrak and downloading the available traffic data.The app status screen displays the following for the connected device:» Connected to: The MAC address. If the device is not connected, tap the Bluetooth icon in this screen toreconnect,» Serial number,» Firmware version for the installed StatTrak app,» Network strength,» Battery status,» Direction mode: Direction of radar-detected traffic, whether incoming, outgoing, or bidirectional, which istraffic moving both towards and away from the StatTrak,» Location and address: The location of the device on the map, as well as the recorded street address.Log InUse your TraffiCloud login credentials for secure login.Authorized DevicesLists all available StatTrak devices within Bluetooth range. On first time login, go to Authorized Devices tochoose your device by MAC address.Radar settingsYou can use the app to change the StatTrak direction settings: Bidirectional, Incoming, or Outgoing, to finetune the distance settings to each lane, and to set lane widths in decimeters - (1/10th of a meter). You canalso enter the StatTrak angle to the road, traffic volume, and radar sensitivity.Date and TimeSynchronizes to your mobile network date and time or you can manually set them.Real Time ReadingsDisplays volume and speeds of incoming and outgoing traffic in real time.Download DataDownloads a list of speeds captured, direction of travel, and class of vehicle (small, medium, or large) by dateand time. Downloading clears prior data from the device.Upload DataUploads the StatTrak data from the mobile device to TraffiCloud